DNA Methylation Patterns At Birth Predict Health Outcomes In Young Adults Born Very Low Birthweight


Cameron Vicky A1,Jones Gregory T2,Horwood L. John2,Pilbrow Anna P1,Martin Julia2,Frampton Chris1,Ip Wendy T.1,Troughton Richard W.1,Greer Charlotte1,Yang Jun3,Epton Michael J.3,Harris Sarah2,Darlow Brian A.2


1. Christchurch Heart Institute, University of Otago

2. University of Otago

3. Christchurch Hospital


Abstract Background Individuals born very low birthweight (VLBW) are at increased risk of impaired cardiovascular and respiratory function in adulthood. To identify markers to predict future risk for VLBW individuals, we analysed DNA methylation at birth and at 28 years in the New Zealand (NZ) VLBW cohort (all infants born < 1500 g in NZ in 1986) compared with age-matched, normal birthweight controls. Associations between neonatal methylation and cardiac structure and function (echocardiography), vascular function and respiratory outcomes at age 28 years were documented. Results Genomic DNA from archived newborn heel-prick blood (n = 109 VLBW, 51 controls) and from peripheral blood at ~ 28 years (n = 215 VLBW, 96 controls) was analysed on Illumina Infinium MethylationEPIC 850K arrays. Following quality assurance and normalization, methylation levels were compared between VLBW cases and controls at both ages by logistic regression, with genome-wide significance set to p < 0.05 adjusted for false discovery rate (FDR, Benjamini-Hochberg). In neonates, methylation at over 16,400 CpG methylation sites differed between VLBW cases and controls, top CpGs featuring clusters in ARID3A, SPATA33, and PLCH1. The canonical pathway most enriched for these CpGs was Cardiac Hypertrophy Signaling (p = 3.44E− 11) and 15 of the 20 CpGs most different between VLBW cases and controls showed associations between methylation at birth and adult cardiovascular traits (particularly LnRHI). At 28 years, twelve CpGs differed between VLBW cases and controls at FDR-adjusted significance, including hypermethylation in EBF4 (four CpGs), CFI and UNC119B and hypomethylation at three CpGs in HIF3A and one in KCNQ1. DNA methylation GrimAge scores at 28 years were significantly greater in VLBW cases versus controls and weakly associated with cardiovascular traits. Four CpGs were identified where methylation differed between VLBW cases and controls in both neonates and adults, three reversing direction with age (two CpGs in EBF4, one in SNAI1 were hypomethylated in neonates, hypermethylated in adults). Of these, cg16426670 in EBF4 at birth showed associations with multiple cardiovascular traits in adults. Conclusions These findings suggest that methylation patterns in VLBW neonates may be informative about future adult cardiovascular and respiratory outcomes and have value in guiding early preventative care to improve adult health.


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