Tabanidae (Diptera) captured on horses in the Cerrado biome of Tocantins, Brazil.


Costa Mariana Vaz da1,Rodrigues Gratchela Dutra2,de Lima Helena Iris Leite2,Krolow Tiago Kütter1,Krüger Rodrigo Ferreira2


1. Universidade Federal do Tocantins

2. Universidade Federal de Pelotas


Abstract Tabanidae is a family of Diptera. These flies, popularly known as horseflies, have global geographic distribution, except in Antarctica. This is the first study to ascertain the abundance and diversity of horseflies in horses at the Cerrado of Tocantins, Brazil. Collecting took place in the phytophysiognomy classified as typical cerrado and sampling was divided into four campaigns, two in the dry season and two in the rainy season, totalling a sampling effort of 13 hours per day. Tabanids were collected using horses (Equus caballus Linnaeus (Perissodactyla: Equidae)) as an attractant. The attracted horseflies were caught with an entomological net. A total of 25 species were collected. The most prevalent species were Stypommisa aripuana (25.8%) and Catachlorops rufescens (6.4%), more numerous in the dry season, and Fidena lissorhina (22.5%), Tabanus occidentalis var. dorsovittatus (10%) and Poeciloderas quadripunctatus (6.4%), more numerous in the rainy season. The results suggest that tabanids do not give horses a seasonal break, and are a constant threat to their health in the cerrado of Tocantins.


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