The non-timber forest product (NTFP) market has been growing recently due to the increasing demand and the growing awareness of environmentally friendly products. The development of NTFP markets around the globe contributes to creating jobs in forest-based communities, circulating economies, and protecting the forests. The Brazilian NTFP market is a billionaire business, encompassing native Amazonian species with high market value in the north to exotic pine plantations tapped for resin and its derivatives in the south. Even though the Brazilian NTFP market is progressing, the country has a rich biodiversity still to be better understood regarding its ecology, preservation, and commercial applicability. Lippia origanoides is a species with no commercial value for timber but produces oil containing important chemical components for other sectors. The goal of this study was to offer an overview of the Brazilian NTFP market, and to evaluate the essential oil extracted from L. origanoides in terms of its yield, components and concentration for potential commercial use. Oil was extracted from flowers and leaves collected from different locations in the Campos Ferruginosos National Park. We found that the Brazilian NTFP market is growing. The main products are food-related, and the main producer states are Para, Parana, and Amazonas. Besides products from native species, the market encompasses NTFP from exotic species, which is very significant economically. L. origanoides oil yield, components and concentration varied with source and plant location. Its main components are in demand for the pharmacology, food, and cosmetic industries. L. origanoides can be an alternative natural source of these components to meet demand.