1. University of South Florida College of Public Health, Genomics Program
2. Emory University Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics
3. Boston University School of Public Health
4. Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research
5. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Carolina Stress Initiative
6. Robert N Butler Columbia Aging Center, Columbia University
7. University of California San Diego, Department of Psychiatry
8. Brain Center University Medical Center Utrecht, Department of Psychiatry
9. Alpert University, Brown University
10. Biogen Inc., Translational Sciences
11. University of Cape Town, Department of Pathology
12. Harvard Medical School, Department of Psychiatry
13. Netherlands Ministry of Defence, Brain Research and Innovation Centre
14. The Ohio State University, Department of Psychology
15. Harvard Medical School, Department of Health Care Policy
16. The Ohio State University, College of Medicine, Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research
17. University of Cape Town, Department of Psychiatry & Mental Health
18. Texas A&M University College of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
19. Emory University, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
20. UMC Utrecht Brain Center Rudolf Magnus, Department of Psychiatry
21. University of California, San Diego
22. VA Boston Healthcare System, TRACTS/GRECC
23. Boston University School of Medicine, Psychiatry
24. University of Cape Town, Neuroscience Institute
25. Alpert Brown Medical School, Department of Emergency Medicine
26. Emory University, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
27. Maastricht Universitair Medisch Centrum, School for Mental Health and Neuroscience, Department of Psychiatry and Neuropsychology
28. Uniformed Services University, Department of Psychiatry
29. University of Michigan, Population Studies Center
30. VA Boston Healthcare System, National Center for PTSD
31. Leiden University Medical Center, Department of Psychiatry
32. Amsterdam Neuroscience, Mood, Anxiety, Psychosis, Sleep & Stress Program