Quantization of Action for Elementary Particles and the Principle of Least Action


Wen Shuming1ORCID


1. Kunming University of Science and Technology


Abstract The uncertainty principle is a fundamental principle of quantum mechanics, but its exact mathematical expression cannot obtain correct results when used to solve theoretical problems such as the energy levels of hydrogen atoms, one-dimensional deep potential wells, one-dimensional harmonic oscillators, and double-slit experiments. Even after approximate treatment, the results obtained are not completely consistent with those obtained by solving Schrödinger’s equation. This indicates that further research on the uncertainty principle is necessary. Therefore, using the de Broglie matter wave hypothesis, we quantize the action of an elementary particle in natural coordinates and obtain the quantization condition and a new deterministic relation. Using this quantization condition, we obtain the energy level formulas of an elementary particle in different conditions in a classical way that is completely consistent with the results obtained by solving Schrödinger’s equation. A new physical interpretation is given for the particle eigenfunction independence of probability for an elementary particle: an elementary particle is in a particle state at the space-time point where the action is quantized, and in a wave state in the rest of the space-time region. The space-time points of particle nature and the wave regions of particle motion constitute the continuous trajectory of particle motion. When an elementary particle is in a particle state, it is localized, whereas in the wave state region, it is nonlocalized.


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