Ebola Virus NP Binding to Host Protein Phosphatase-1 Regulates  Capsid Formation


Ahmad Asrar1,Tigabu Bersabeh2,Ivanov Andrey1,Jerebtsova Marina1,Ammosova Tatiana1,Ramanathan Palaniappan3,Kumari Namita1,Brantner Christine A.4,Pietzsch Colette A.3,Abdullah Ghadeer1,Popratiloff Anastas4,Widen Steve3,Bukreyev Alexander3,Nekhai Sergei1ORCID


1. Howard University

2. The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston

3. UTMB: The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston

4. GWU: George Washington University


AbstractThe Ebola virus (EBOV) transcriptional regulation involves host protein phosphatases PP1 and PP2A, which dephosphorylate the transcriptional cofactor of EBOV polymerase VP30. The 1E7-03 compound, which targets PP1, induces VP30 phosphorylation and inhibits EBOV infection. This study aimed to investigate the role of PP1 in EBOV replication. When EBOV-infected cells were continuously treated with 1E7-03, the NP E619K mutation was selected. This mutation moderately reduced EBOV minigenome transcription, which was restored by the treatment with 1E7-03. Formation of EBOV capsids, when NP was co-expressed with VP24 and VP35, was impaired with NPE 619K. Treatment with 1E7-03 restored capsid formation by NP E619K mutation, but inhibited capsids formed by WT NP. The dimerization of NP E619K, tested in a split NanoBiT assay, was significantly decreased (~ 15-fold) compared to WT NP. NP E619K bound more efficiently to PP1 (~ 3-fold) but not B56 subunit of PP2A or VP30. Cross-linking and co-immunoprecipitation experiments showed fewer monomers and dimers for NP E619K which were increased with 1E7-03 treatment. NP E619K showed increased co-localization with PP1α compared to WT NP. Mutations of potential PP1 binding sites and NP deletions disrupted its interaction with PP1. Collectively, our findings suggest that PP1 binding to the NP regulates NP dimerization and capsid formation, and that NP E619K mutation, which has the enhanced PP1 binding, disrupts these processes. Our results point to a new role for PP1 in EBOV replication in which NP binding to PP1 may facilitate viral transcription by delaying capsid formation and EBOV replication.


Research Square Platform LLC

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