Neuropathogenic Equid Herpesvirus 1 involving in horse respiratory disease outbreak, north Xinjiang, China, 2021-2023


Tong Panpan1,Yang Enhui1,Liu Bin2,Pan JuanJuan1,Dang Yueyi1,Tian Shuyao1,Palidan Nuerlan1,Jia Chenyang1,Kuang Ling1,Wang Chuanfeng3,Lu Gang4,Xie Jinxin1


1. Xinjiang Agricultural University

2. Hengxing Equestrian Club

3. Yili Vocational and Technical College

4. South China Agricultural University


Abstract Background: Equid herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1) is one of important viral pathogens that frequently cause respiratory disease in horse cross the worldwide. Until now, no information on EHV-1 presents in Chinese horse respiratory disease. An acute respiratory disease outbreak in horse population of north Xinjiang between April 2021 and May 2023. Results: qPCR detection revealed the presence of EHV-1 in all samples as the possible cause of all respiratory disease, although EHV-4, EHV-2 and EHV-5 were also found to circulate in a small portion of samples. Three EHV-1 strains, caused respiratory disease in horses, were successfully isolated. Furthermore, the full ORF33 sequences comparison and phylogenetic analysis indicated that indicated that the isolates could have been origin from EHV-1 trains detected in Yili horse abortions. In addition, based on the predicted ORF30 nucleotide sequence, it was found that all the strains carried a guanine at the 2254 nucleotide position (aspartic acid at position 752 of the viral DNA polymerase) and were, therefore, identified as neuropathogenic strains. Conclusion: This study is the first one that establishes EHV-1 as the cause of respiratory disease in horses, of China. Further characterization of the ORF30 sequences revealed that all the EHV-1 strains from the study carried the neuropathogenic genotype. Totally, neuropathogenic EHV-1 infection in China’s horse population should be concerned because the virus detected in both respiratory disease and abortions.


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