1. Tra Vinh University
2. University of Sciences, Hue University
3. Can Tho University
4. Tay Nguyen University
Context: Mercaptopurine is known as an effective anti-cancerous medicine yet with serious adverse reactions, thus requiring further attempts to enhance its biological targeting. Small gold clusters Aun with n = 2-10 were used as model reactants to simulate the surface of gold nanoparticles. The computed results show that the drug molecules tend to anchor on the gold clusters at the S atom with the associated binding energies varying from -50 to -34 kcal.mol-1 (in vacuum) and from -42 to -28 kcal.mol-1 (in aqueous solution). Furthermore, the adsorption of the drug onto the gold surface is considered as a reversible process and the mechanism of drug releasing was found to be triggerable by internal factors, such as a pH change or the concentrated presence of thiol amino acids in cancerous protein structures.
Method: Calculations based on density functional theory (DFT) were performed to probe the nature of interactions between the drug and gold nanoparticles. Structural features, thermodynamic parameters, bonding characteristics, and electronic properties of the resulting complexes were investigated at the PBE//cc-pVTZ/cc-pVDZ-PP level.
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