The interpretation of post-fracture pressure decay (PFPD) data has long been a problem, with the advancement of hydraulic fracturing technology into zipper fracturing, the post-fracture pressure decay time has grown by multiple times. The post-fracture pressure decay now has sufficient time and data for analysis. In this study, we extend the fracture area estimation technique developed for diagnostic fracture injection test (DFIT) to PFPD scenario with multiple fractures, as a result of multiple clusters and more, as the major difference. The method was verified with ResFrac® simulation results, with the numerical simulator-generated results accurately overlapping the theory-calculated fracture total area. The developed method requires minimum principal horizontal stress, ie. Shmin, which is retrieved and extracted from DFIT test interpretation results. We then applied the developed technique to a pilot study to interpret two laterals’ 3 stages’ fracture areas and obtained reasonable estimations.