Enhanced Biomimetic Sensor for Cigarette Brand Differentiation using CdSe Quantum Dots and Machine Learning


Khan Arsala Zamir1,Sharma Shalini2,Ansari Tauseef Ahmad3,Khan Prof. Dr.Shahbaz4,Hussain Sayyed Aamir4,Islam Shaziya5,Telang Deepa6,Mohd Abdul Ghaffar Noor7,Shelke Sudhir7,Harle Shrikant M.8


1. Yashwantrao Chavan College of Engineering, Wanadongari,

2. Medicaps University

3. College of Engineering, University of Buraimi, Oman

4. ACETATE, Nagpur

5. Rungta college of engineering and technology

6. G H Raisoni Institute Of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur

7. GNIT, Nagpur

8. Prof Ram Meghe College of Engineering & Management, Badnera


Abstract In our doctoral research, we ex- plored the combined influence of CdSe Quantum Dots (QDs) and the reactions of organic substances to create an olfactory-inspired sensing system based on the mammalian olfactory framework. Our primary aim was to identify the complex composition of volatile organic com- pounds (VOCs) found in cigarette smoke. We designed an innovative optical olfaction device to categorize various VOCs emitted by cigarettes. We utilized advanced techniques like Unsupervised Independent Compo- nent Analysis (ICA) and supervised Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) for robust data analysis. The LDA yielded remarkable results, with 100% precision in both the training and cross-validation phases. To validate our system, we rigorously assessed its ability to distinguish between five different cigarette brands, achieving 100% precision in training and an im- pressive 85% during cross-validation. Using LDA, we also conducted a comprehensive analysis of 100 sam- ples of four popular Indian cigarette brands (Gold Fake, Four Square, Navy Cut, ITC Classic), including authentic and counterfeit variants, resulting in a commendable 97% accuracy. Our analytical protocol is efficient, cost-effective, user-friendly, and highly reliable. The remarkable selectivity of our sensor array makes it indispensable for detecting genuine and counterfeit cigarettes, providing crucial support for global border control efforts.


Research Square Platform LLC

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