New improvements in grapevine genome editing: high efficiency biallelic homozygous knock-out in the first generation using an optimized zCas9i


Villette Jérémy1,Lecourieux Fatma2,Bastiancig Eliot1,Héloir Marie-Claire1,Poinssot Benoit1


1. Université de Bourgogne

2. UMR1287 EGFV, CNRS, Université de Bordeaux, INRAE, Bordeaux Sciences Agro, ISVV


Abstract Background: For ten years, CRISPR/cas9 system has become a very useful tool for obtaining site-specific mutations on targeted genes in many plant organisms. This technology opens up a wide range of possibilities for improved plant breeding in the future. In plants, the CRISPR/Cas9 system is mostly used through stable transformation with constructs that allow for the expression of the Cas9 gene and sgRNA. Numerous studies have shown that site-specific mutation efficiency can vary greatly between different plant species due to factors such as plant transformation efficiency, Cas9 expression, Cas9 nucleotide sequence, the addition of intronic sequences, and many other parameters. Since 2016, when the first edited grapevine was created, the number of studies using functional genomic approaches in grapevine has remained low due to difficulties with plant transformation and gene editing efficiency. In this study, we optimized various aspects of the process to obtain site-specific mutations and generate knock-out mutants of grapevine (Vitis vinifera cv. ‘Chardonnay’). Building on existing methods of grapevine transformation, we improved the method for selecting transformed plants at chosen steps of the developing process using fluorescence microscopy. Results: By comparison of two different Cas9 gene and two different promoters, we increased site-specific mutation efficiency using a maize-codon optimized Cas9 containing 13 introns (zCas9i), achieving up to 100% biallelic mutation in the first generation of grapevine seedlings cv. ‘Chardonnay’. These results are directly correlated with Cas9 expression level. Conclusions:Taken together, our results highlight a complete methodology for obtaining a wide range of homozygous knock-out mutants within 9 months for functional genomic studies and future breeding programs in grapevine.


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