Possibility of surgical field contamination by the patient’s exhaled air: evaluation using a carbon dioxide imaging camera and particle counter


Morioka Masakazu1,Takamura Yoshihiro1,Miyazaki Hideki T2,Gozawa Makoto1,Yamada Yutaka1,Komori Ryohei1,Tanaka Kengo1,Inatani Masaru1


1. University of Fukui

2. National Institute for Materials Science


Abstract The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has led to a dramatic increase in facemask use. Consequently, it has been reported that exhaled airflow toward the eyes can cause the dispersal of bacteria into the eyes, potentially increasing the incidence of postoperative endophthalmitis. In addition to wearing a facemask, gaps between the surgical drape and skin can also direct exhaled airflow toward the eyes. Here, we aimed to examine how the risk of contamination varies depending on the state of the drapes. We used a carbon dioxide imaging camera to visualize changes in exhaled airflow under different drape conditions and a particle counter to evaluate changes in the number of particles around the eye. The results revealed airflow present around the eye and a significant increase in the number of particles when the nasal side of the drape was detached from the skin. However, when a metal rod called “rihika” was used to create space above the body, the airflow and number of particles significantly reduced. Thus, if drape coverage becomes incomplete during surgery, exhaled airflow toward the eye may contaminate the surgical field. On hanging up the drape, airflow can escape in the direction of the body, potentially preventing contamination.


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