Epoxy curing is crucial in many applications, including paint, reinforced composites, and material coating. In this work, 2–4 dinitro phenyl hydrazine is used as a solid hardener as a curing agent for epoxy curing. Curing was performed on a glass petri dish and in a beaker, at high temperature using a hot air oven as well as a sand bath. Solid hardner were used for curing epoxy with different percentages hydrazine, in acetone and acetone/aniline as a solvent. Epoxy resin curing analysis was confirmed by FTIR, and UV-visible spectroscopic analysis. The thermal stability of cured epoxy material has been studied using DSC. The coating of epoxy resin was stable in different organic solvents and dissolved in acetone. This coating shows chemical resistance to saturated solution of strong base (NaOH), and also showed stability in strong acids (HCl, HNO3) this suggests anti-corrosion behavior in acidic and basic mediums. A short curing time (5–10 minutes), a small amount of curing agent, and a conventional heating source in a sand bath and hot air oven in solution with organic solvents (acetone/aniline) are key features of our curing approach.