Common and divergent gene regulatory networks control injury-induced and developmental neurogenesis in zebrafish retina.


Blackshaw Seth1ORCID,Lyu Pin2ORCID,Zhai Yijie1,Qian Jiang1ORCID,Iribarne Maria3,Serjanov Dmitri3,Campbell Leah3,Boyd Patrick3,Hyde David4,Palazzo Isabella1,Hoang Thanh5,Nagashima Mikiko6,Silva Nicholas7ORCID,Hitchcock Peter5ORCID


1. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

2. Johns Hopkins University

3. Notre Dame University

4. University of Notre Dame

5. University of Michigan

6. University of Michigan School of Medicine

7. University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)


Abstract Following acute retinal damage, zebrafish possess the ability to regenerate all neuronal subtypes. This regeneration requires Müller glia (MG) to reprogram and divide asymmetrically to produce a multipotent Müller glia-derived neuronal progenitor cell (MGPC). This raises three key questions. First, does loss of different retinal cell subtypes induce unique MG regeneration responses? Second, do MG reprogram to a developmental retinal progenitor cell state? And finally, to what extent does regeneration recapitulate retinal development? We examined these questions by performing single-nuclear and single-cell RNA-Seq and ATAC-Seq in both developing and regenerating retinas. While MG reprogram to a state similar to late-stage retinal progenitors in developing retinas, there are transcriptional differences between reprogrammed MG/MGPCs and late progenitors, as well as reprogrammed MG in outer and inner retinal damage models. Validation of candidate genes confirmed that loss of different subtypes induces differences in transcription factor gene expression and regeneration outcomes. This work identifies major differences between gene regulatory networks activated following the selective loss of different subtypes of retina neurons, as well as between retinal regeneration and development.


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