Understanding the Determinants of Sweet Liking in the African and East Asian Ancestry Groups in the U.S. – A Study Protocol


Cheung May M1,Hubert Patrice A2,Reed Danielle R2,Pouget Enrique R1,Jiang Xinyin1,Hwang Liang-Dar3


1. City University of New York, Brooklyn College

2. Monell Chemical Senses Center

3. The University of Queensland


Abstract Background The liking for sweet taste is a powerful driver for consuming added sugars, and therefore, understanding how sweet liking is formed is a critical step in devising strategies to lower added sugars consumption. However, current research on the influence of genetic and environmental factors on sweet liking is mostly based on research conducted with individuals of European ancestry. Whether these results can be generalized to people of other ancestry groups warrants investigation. Methods We will determine the differences in allele frequencies in sweet-related genetic variants and their effects on sweet liking in 426 adults of either African or East Asian ancestry, who have the highest and lowest average added sugars intake, respectively, among ancestry groups in the U.S. We will collect information on participants’ sweet-liking phenotype, added sugars intake (sweetness exposure), anthropometric measures, place-of-birth, and for immigrants, duration of time living in the U.S. and age when immigrated. Ancestry-specific polygenic scores of sweet liking will be computed based on the effect sizes of the sweet-related genetic variants on the sweet-liking phenotype for each ancestry group. The predictive validity of the polygenic scores will be tested using individuals of African and East Asian ancestry from the UK Biobank. We will also compare sweet liking between U.S.-born individuals and immigrants within each ancestry group to test whether differences in environmental sweetness exposure during childhood affect sweet liking in adulthood. Discussion Expanding genetic research on taste to individuals from ancestry groups traditionally underrepresented in such research is consistent with equity goals in sensory and nutrition science. Findings from this study will help in the development of a more personalized nutrition approach for diverse populations. Trial registration: This protocol has been preregistered with the Center for Open Science (https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/WPR9E) and is approved by the City University of New York Human Research Protection Program (IRB#: 2023-0064-Brooklyn).


Research Square Platform LLC

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