Eccrine poroma and eccrine porocarcinoma were found at the same site on the scalp. A case report and review of literature


Song Ying-hua1,Chen Dan1,Cai Wei-na1,Zhang Liang1


1. Wuhan No.1 Hospital


Abstract Background: Both eccrine poroma (EP) and eccrine porocarcinoma (EPC) are accessory tumors originating from the eccrine glands. The former is a benign progression and the latter is a malignant tumor. We here report a case of these two diseases at the same site on the scalp of the same person. Case presentation: A 52-year old male patient complained that a few nodules were found on the top of his head. Two years after surgical excision, some other nodules appeared near the primary site and a skin ulcer formed in the surgical wound area. He was finally sent into hospital and followed the steps in the MOHS surgical procedure to remove all the skin lesions. Pathological analysis of the final excised tissue showed EP and EPC results, respectively. Conclusion: EP and EPC are often misdiagnosed by clinicians. These two diseases were found at the same site on the scalp of the same person, which is very rare. Early diagnosis and early surgical treatment are the keys to a good prognosis.


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