Shrader Wade,Shih Celestine,McDonald Tyler
Analysis of a child’s gait is an important aspect of a pediatric orthopedic evaluation. Children with cerebral palsy often have significant gait impairments that negatively impact their ambulation, activity in society, and their quality of life. Instrumented gait analysis, with motion capture, can provide significant data to help the surgeon better understand specific pathophysiology and to plan surgical correction. Modern instrumented gait analysis is comprised of many components, including kinematics, kinetics, electromyography, pedobarography, and metabolic assessment. Newer technology allows for wearable measurement devices in the community to provide information about environmental activity, such as step counts, that augment information traditionally measured in gait laboratories. The synthesis of data from these components allow for the team to accurately assess individual components of pathological gait and systematically plan surgical procedures to address the significant impairments. Literature suggests that the use of instrumented gait analysis can be effective in the treatment and care of children with cerebral palsy. Following surgical recommendations from gait analysis can lead to changes in surgical plans derived from physical exam alone, overall less surgical procedures, and possibly improved outcomes.
Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America
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