1. COX, R. J. The demise of the library school: Personal reflections on professional education in the modern corporate university. Duluth (MN): Library Juice, 2010. 348p. Available in: . (Review by Toni Samek)
2. GIROUX, H. Making democracy matter: Academic labor in dark times. Available in: .
3. HAUPTMAN, R. Information ethics. Choice, v.37, n.3, p.261, 1990.
4. RODRIGUEZ GALLARDO, A. Library education in Latin America and the Caribbean. New World Library, v.108, n.1/2, p.40-54, 2007.
5. SAMEK, T. Biblioteconomía y derechos humanos: una guía para el Siglo XXI. Gijón, España: Trea, 2008. 268p.