Berutu Irwanto,Siahaan Harls Evan R.
Cell groups are important services in church service because they can have implications for the spiritual growth of the congregation. During the Covid-19 pandemic, all worship activities were restricted, including all programs and services at the local church. In order to maintain the continuity of the worship process, the worship space was created virtually through the use of video streaming technology. This article aims to show that virtual services can also be applied in groups of cells. By using literature studies, and descriptive methods, it was concluded that the Covid-19 pandemic period had virtually stimulated cell group service.
Kelompok sel merupakan pelayanan yang penting dalam pelayanan gereja, karena dapat berimplikasi pada pertumbuhan rohani jemaat. Di masa pandemi Covid-19 ini semua kegiatan ibadah telah mengalami pembatasan, termasuk semua program dan pelayanan di gereja lokal. Demi mempertahankan keberlangsungan proses ibadah, maka ruang ibadah pun dibuat secara virtual melalui penggunaan teknologi video streaming. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan pelaya-nan virtual pun dapat diterapkan dalam kelompok sel. Dengan menggunakan studi literatur, dan metode deskriptif, maka disimpulkan bahwa masa pandemi Covid-19 ini telah menstimulasi pela-yanan kelompok sel secara virtual.
Sekolah Tinggi Teologia Paulus Medan
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3 articles.