Sankaku-tori: An Old Western-Japanese Game Played on a Point Set


Horiyama Takashi1,Iizuka Takashi2,Kiyomi Masashi3,Okamoto Yoshio4,Uehara Ryuhei5,Uno Takeaki6,Uno Yushi7,Yamauchi Yukiko8


1. Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama University

2. IBM Global Services Japan Solution and Services Company

3. International College of Arts and Science, Yokohama City University

4. Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering, University of Electro-Communications

5. School of Information Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

6. National Institute of Informatics

7. Graduate School of Science, Osaka Prefecture University

8. Graduate School of ISEE, Kyushu University


Information Processing Society of Japan


General Computer Science

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