1. University Sarajevo, Forestry Faculty, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovina
Forest transport infrastructure is the key segment of rational forest
resource management. One of its constituent and inseparable segments are
skid roads and skid trails whose network density significantly exceeds the
primary network, i.e. truck roads. Skid road -skid trail network density in
high economic forests of FB&H is most often between 40 and 100 m/ha.
Simplified way of construction, non-existence of road construction, objects
for surface water drainage as well as significant longitudinal inclination
(up to 50%) in which they are constructed, makes them subject to erosion
processes. The lack of rehabilitation measures on skid roads - skid trails
causes significant damages in post-exploitation period, and very often to
the extent that the ones in the following exploitation round are unusable
for skidding. Utilization of skid roads - skid trails damaged by erosion
processes for forest operations often represents a significant expense. This
paper considers rehabilitation measures efficient from the point of
remedying erosion processes, and at the same time, acceptable from the point
of financial expenditure for forest operations.
National Library of Serbia
Cited by
1 articles.
1. Torrent Monitoring and Early Warning Systems Development;Advances in Environmental Engineering and Green Technologies;2022