1. National Botanical Research Institute, Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow, India
2. Lucknow University, Lucknow, India
Generation mean analysis of cross NB-5x58/1 and its reciprocal cross was
carried out to understand the nature of gene action in opium poppy. The
significance of A, B, C and D scaling tests indicated presence of non-allelic
interaction in the inheritance of traits except capsule size and husk
yield/plant for reciprocal cross. Additive as well as dominance components of
gene action were found in both the crosses. Most of the traits had greater
non fixable dominance ?h? and dominance x dominance effects ?l? than fixable
additive (d) and additive x additive effects (i) except leaves/plant,
branches/plant, capsules/plant, stem diameter, capsule weight/plant, husk
yield/plant, opium yield/plant, codeine and narcotine content which showed
greater importance of additive (d) and additive x additive effects (i)
effects. Inter-mating of the best parents, diallel selective mating or
biparental mating in early segregating generations followed by recurrent
selections were suggested for genetic improvement of opium poppy.
National Library of Serbia
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