1. Klinički centar Niš, Klinika za plućne bolesti i tuberkulozu, Knez Selo, Niš
2. Institut za prevenciju i lečenje kardiovaskularnih bolesti „Radon” Niška Banja
Introduction. Patients with congenital cyanotic heart defects and the
left-to-right shunt are at a three times higher risk of getting tuberculosis
than acyanotic ones. No TB cases have been recorded in adult patients with
the right-to-left shunt having cyanosis since their birth. Case report. A
34-year-old man was referred to our Clinic with the discomforts such as
chronic cough, hemoptysis and insomnia. At the admission he was pale,
cyanotic, with a partial manifest respiratory insufficiency and
characteristic TB pulmonary lesions detected by x-rays and tomography. After
the sputum positive TB recidivism had been diagnosed, the antituberculotics
treatment was introduced resulting in the successful smear and culture
conversion and radiological regression of pulmonary lesions, but associated
with non-explicable deterioration of cyanosis and chronic respiratory
insufficiency until Doppler-echocardiographic examination verified the
presence of tetralogy of Fallot. Conclusion. Congenital cyanotic heart
defects are extremely rare in adults. Nevertheless, it is necessary to
maintain a very high level of clinical suspicion regarding TB activation
even in the cases of defects with the right-to-left shunt.
National Library of Serbia
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