1. National Central University, Research Center for Hazard Mitigation and Prevention, Taiwan
Nuclear incidents and accidents have occurred at various nuclear power
plants. Since some of these incidents and accidents caused by human errors
might be preventable, numerous researchers argue that fatigue management
for on-site workers is the key, especially for mental fatigue. Thus, this
study proposes an approach consisting of two mechanisms. A fatigue monitor
could identify the mentally fatigued workers by detecting their
brain wave rhythms through a brain-computer interface. For such workers, a
fatigue alert would awaken them. If the status of the mentally fatigued
workers becomes worse, based on a positioning technique (i.e., wireless
networks), this mechanism would alert the nearby workers and managers to
deal with this condition. The test results indicate that the proposed
approach enhanced the capacity to examine the mentally fatigued workers,
ensured the accuracy in locating these workers, and avoided possible
nuclear incidents. This study is a useful reference for similar
applications in the nuclear industry.
National Library of Serbia
Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality,Nuclear Energy and Engineering
Cited by
3 articles.