1. Mathematics Departement, Faculty of Science and Arts, Khulais, University of jeddah, Saoudi Arabia + Department of Mathematics, University Tunis El Manar, Tunis, Tunisia
In the present paper, we are concerned to prove under some hypothesis the
existence of fixed points of the operator L defined on C(I) by Lu(t) = ?w0
G(t,s)h(s) f(u(s))ds, t ? I, ? ? {1,?}, where the functions f ? C([0,?);
[0,?)), h ? C(I; [0,?)), G ? C(I x I) and (I = [0,1]; if ? = 1, I =
[0,?), if ? = 1. By using Guo Krasnoselskii fixed point theorem, we
establish the existence of at least one fixed point of the operator L.
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