1. Military Medical Academy, Institute of Transfusiology, Belgrade
2. Clinical Center of Serbia, Clinic for Hematology, Belgrade
3. Military Medical Academy, Institute of Transfusiology, Belgrade + Institute for Medical Research, Belgrade
Background/Aim. Bacterial contamination of blood components, primarily
platelet concentrates (PCs), has been identified as one of the most frequent
infectious complications in transfusion practice. PC units have a high risk
for bacterial growth/multiplication due to their storage at ambient
temperature (20 ? 2?C). Consequences of blood contamination could be
effectively prevented or reduced by pathogen inactivation systems. The aim of
this study was to determine the Mirasol pathogen reduction technology (PRT)
system efficacy in PCs using an artificial bacteria-contamination model.
Methods. According to the ABO blood groups, PC units (n = 216) were pooled
into 54 pools (PC-Ps). PC-Ps were divided into three equal groups, with 18
units in each, designed for an artificial bacteria-contamination. Briefly,
PC-Ps were contaminated by Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus
or Escherichia coli in concentrations 102 to 107 colony forming units (CFU)
per unit. Afterward, PC-Ps were underwent to inactivation by Mirasol PRT
system, using UV (l = 265-370 nm) activated riboflavin (RB). All PC-Ps were
assayed by BacT/Alert Microbial Detection System for CFU quantification
before and after the Mirasol treatment. Samples from non-inactivated PC-P
units were tested after preparation and immediately following bacterial
contamination. Samples from Mirasol treated units were quantified for CFUs
one hour, 3 days and 5 days after inactivation. Results. A complete
inactivation of all bacteria species was obtained at CFU concentrations of
102 and 103 per PC-P unit through storage/ investigation period. The most
effective inactivation (105 CFU per PC-P unit) was obtained in Escherichia
coli setting. Contrary, inactivation of all the three tested bacteria species
was unworkable in concentrations of ? 106 CFU per PC-P unit. Conclusion.
Efficient inactivation of investigated bacteria types with a significant CFU
depletion in PC-P units was obtained - 3 Log for all three tested species,
and 5 Log for Escherichia coli. The safety of blood component therapy,
primarily the clinical use of PCs can be improved using the Mirasol PRT
National Library of Serbia
Pharmacology (medical),General Medicine
Cited by
11 articles.