1. Institut za zaštitu bilja i životnu sredinu, Beograd
2. Poljoprivredni fakultet, Departman za zaštitu bilja i životne sredine, Novi Sad
Twelve isolates of Phomopsis sp. were obtained from the branches and the trunk of plums (Prunus domestica L) with decay symptoms in Valjevo, Ljig Koceljeva and Ub vicinity during 2004-2006. Morphological, pathogenic and growing characteristics were studied. Pathogen caused tissue necrosis of branches around the inoculate seats, and wrinkling and watering of plum fruits. All media were suitable for pathogen development, except prune agar. The best growth of isolates was at medium pH 5,5. The optimal temperature for growth and germination of pycnidiospores was 25?C.
National Library of Serbia