Some applications of p-(DPL) sets


Alikhani Morteza1


1. Department of Mathematics, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


In this paper, we introduce a new class of subsets of class bounded linear operators between Banach spaces which is called p-(DPL) sets. Then, the relationship between these sets with equicompact sets is investigated. Moreover, we define p-version of Right sequentially continuous differentiable mappings and get some characterizations of these mappings. Finally, we prove that a mapping f : X ? Y between real Banach spaces is Fr?chet differentiable and f? takes bounded sets into p-(DPL) sets if and only if f may be written in the form f = 1?S where the intermediate space is normed, S is a Dunford-Pettis p-convergent operator, and g is a G?teaux differentiable mapping with some additional properties.


National Library of Serbia


General Mathematics

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