1. Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad
2. Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje, Belgrade-Zemun
The objective of this paper was to examine the functionality of two microsatellite primers as their polymorphism levels were determined for select Novi Sad wheat genotypes. Chosen as representatives of Gater-sleben wheat microsatellites (GWM) were two sets of microsatellite primers, GWM 165 and GWM539, which had been described according to RODER et al. (1998a; 1998b). Twenty five wheat genotypes from the World Collection of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad were used in the study. Genomic DNA was isolated from the plant materials using a modification of the PLASCHKE et al. (1995) method. PCR amplification of the desired fragments was carried out in a volume of 30 ul (Eppendorf thermocycler) according to RODER et al. (1998b). The PAGE conditions were implemented according to GALOV1C et al. (2004). The GWM539 set, with six different alleles, showed a higher level of polymorphism than GWM165, in which three different alleles were detected for the locus concerned.
National Library of Serbia
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