1. University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Agriculture, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2. University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture, Zagreb, Croatia
The autochthonous local genotypes of sweet cherries, which represent a very
important genetic potential for future breeding programs. Understanding of
the molecular basis biodiversity is one of the most important factors for
the proper conservation, management and use of plant genetic resources.
This paper investigate the genetic variability of 14 genotypes of sweet
cherries using 26 SSR markers. The study included eight autochthonous
genotypes of sweet cherry taken from four different location and six
virus-free reference varieties of sweet cherry. The average genetic distance
between them was 0.43. The number of alleles per locus ranged from two to
eight. The minimum number of two alleles of polymorphic loci showed EMPa003
and EMPa002, while the highest number of eight loci alleles had PceGA34 and
UDP97-402. Results of genetic analysis that were done show that between
autochthonous genotypes of sweet cherries ?Biljur-Bjelica?, ?Barevka? and
?Aslamka? (Kriskovci) there was no difference, it is to have the same
genetic profil, which indicates that is the synonym, it is the same identity
group. Also the autochthonous genotype ?Crveni Hrust? and ?Nordwunder?
cultivar had the same SSR profile on microsatellite loci tested. The
remaining autochthonous genotypes of sweet cherry had a unique genetic
National Library of Serbia
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