1. Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Science, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia
For the algebraic convergence ?s, which generates the well known sequential
topology ?s on a complete Boolean algebra B, we have ?s = ?ls ? ?li, where
the convergences ?ls and ?li are defined by ?ls(x) = {lim sup x}? and ?li(x)
= {lim inf x+}? (generalizing the convergence of sequences on the Alexandrov
cube and its dual). We consider the minimal topology Olsi extending the
(unique) sequential topologies O?s (left) and O?li (right) generated by the
convergences ?ls and ?li and establish a general hierarchy between all these
topologies and the corresponding a priori and a posteriori convergences. In
addition, we observe some special classes of algebras and, in particular,
show that in (?,2)-distributive algebras we have limOlsi = lim?s = ?s,
while the equality Olsi = ?s holds in all Maharam algebras. On the other
hand, in some collapsing algebras we have a maximal (possible) diversity.
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia
National Library of Serbia