1. Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Niš, Niš, Serbia
Bent Boolean functions exist only for an even number of variables, moreover,
they are unbalanced. Therefore, they are used in coding theory and in many
areas of computer science. General form of bent functions is still unknown.
One way of representing Boolean functions is with a reduced ordered binary
decision diagram (ROBDD). The strength of ROBDDs is that they can represent
Boolean functions data with a high level of redundancy in a compact form, as
long as the data is encoded in such a way that the redundancy is exposed.
This paper investigates characteristics of bent functions with focus on
their ROBDD parameters. Decision diagram experimental framework has been
used for implementation of a program for calculation of the ROBDD
parameters. The results presented in this paper are intended to be used to
create methods for the construction of bent functions using a ROBDD as a
data structure from which the bent functions can be discovered.
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