1. Institute for Multidisciplinary Research, Belgrade
In this work, the adsorption/desorption processes of iodide anions and
cadmium cations in the presence of iodide anions onto/from Ag(111) were
investigated. It was shown that both processes were complex, characterized
by several peaks on the cyclic voltammograms (CVs). By PeakFit analysis of
the recorded CVs and subsequent fitting of the obtained peaks by the Frumkin
adsorption isotherm, the interaction parameter (f) and the Gibbs energy of
adsorption (?G?ads) for each adsorbed phase were determined. In the case of
iodide adsorption, four peaks were characterized by negative values of f,
indicating attractive lateral interaction between the adsorbed anions, while
two of them possessed value of f < -4, indicating phase transition
processes. The adsorption/desorption processes of cadmium cations
(underpotential deposition - UPD of cadmium) in the presence of iodide
anions was characterized by two main peaks, each of them being composed of
two or three peaks with negative values of f. By the analysis of charge vs.
potential dependences obtained either from the CVs or current transients on
potentiostatic pulses, it was concluded that adsorbed iodide anions did not
undergo desorption during the process of Cd UPD, but became replaced by Cd
ad-atoms and remained adsorbed on top of a Cd layer and/or in between Cd the
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