1. Klinički centar Srbije, Institut za bolesti digistivnog sistema, Beograd
2. ista
Background. Villous duodenal adenomas are rare, tend to malignant alteration and recurrence if surgical procedures are not sufficiently radical. They are mostly localized in the second portion of the duodenum and close to a papilla and are prone to malignant alteration. Case report. In this paper we presented a 79-year-old female patient already operated on twice elsewhere due to obstructive jaundice caused by villous duodenal adenoma, using, firstly, cholecystectomy and T-tube drainage of the choledoclus, and, then, an unsuccessful attempt of radical surgery ? duodenopancreatectomy. The patient was some time wearing a T-tube drainage, and, then, submitted to endoscopic papillotomy, endoscopic stenting, and, finally to the insertion of a self-expandable metallic stent which got clogged three months later causing chalangitis. Three years following the first surgery, the patient presented to our institution and submitted to cephalic duodenopancreatectomy. Histology confirmed villous duodenal adenomas with II and III grade dysplasia and carcinoma in situ. The lymph nodes were tumour-free. The postoperative recovery was somewhat prolonged due to cardiologic difficulties and a mild infection of the wound. Conclusion. Villous duodenal adenoma is curable if treated correctly and in a proper time. Radical treatment delay increases the risk for malignant alteration which was the case with our patient who was submitted to it three years after the histologic confirmation of the diagnosis.
National Library of Serbia
Pharmacology (medical),General Medicine