1. Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, SANU Beograd
Let ?(x) denote the error term in the classical Dirichlet divisor problem,
and let the modified error term in the divisor problem be ?*(x) = -?(x) +
2?(2x)-1/2?(4x). We show that ?T+H,T ?*(t/2?)|?(1/2+it)|2dt<< HT1/6log7/2 T (T2/3+? ? H = H(T) ? T), ?T,0 ?(t)|?(1/2+it)|2dt <<
T9/8(log T)5/2, and obtain asymptotic formulae for ?T,0 (?*(t/2?))2|?(
1/2+it)|2 dt, ?T0 (?*(t/2?))3|?(1/+it)|2 dt. The importance of
the ?*-function comes from the fact that it is the analogue of E(T), the
error term in the mean square formula for |?(1/2+it)|2. We also show, if
E*(T) = E(T)-2??*(T/(2?)), ?T0 E*(t)Ej(t)|?(1/2+it)|2 dt << j,?
T7/6+j/4+? (j=1,2,3).
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