Curve fitting for seismic waves of earthquake with Hermite polynomials


Leventeli Yasemin1,Simsek Yilmaz2,Yilmazer Ilyas3


1. Department of Geological Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Akdeniz University, Antalya, Turkey

2. Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Akdeniz, Antalya, Turkey

3. Atac Engineering and Consulting Ltd, Ankara, Turkey


We investigate and study on mathematical structures involving mathematical models and others associated with seismic waves in an earthquake. Our first aim is to give some novel formulas and certain finite sums including the Bernoulli numbers and the Hermite polynomials with the aid of generating functions, the Riemann integral, and the Volkenborn integral. The second aim is to examine the seismic wave propagation in different geological units with the help of special polynomials containing the Hermite polynomials and their graph fitting of functions. To evaluate the shape of the seismic waves propagating within the ground (rock and/or soil), we use comparing method with the graph of the Hermite polynomials and functions and the polynomial Rocking Bearings. Furthermore, we also define generating function for the polynomial type Rocking Bearings. We give open problems on this generating function and earthquake facts. By applying partial derivative operator to the generating function for the m-parametric Hermite type polynomials, we give a novel recurrence relation and derivative formulas for these polynomials. We also give a new general formula for monomials in terms of these polynomials. Moreover, for the purpose of visualizing curve fitting approach to the seismic waves, we draw many plots of the Hermite functions with Mathematica (Version 12.0.0) with their codes. Finally, with the aid of these graphs, we give useful evaluation on the shapes of the seismic waves propagated in the ground (rock and/or soil).


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