1. Centar za radiologiju i magnetnu rezonancu Kliničkog centra Srbije, Beograd
2. Medicinski fakultet, Beograd
We presented the postoperative CT findings of patients after the Whipple's operation (cephalic pancreaticoduodenectomy), performed for the pancreatic head cancer, or ampullary carcinoma. Technique of the Whipple's operation is described, and normal and pathological postoperative CT findings, which are characteristic for the immediate (early) and delayed (late) follow-up period, are presented. In addition, difficulties in differentiation of afferent jejunal loop from the recurrent tumor by CT are discussed, and references from the literature about the possibilities of successful visualization of the afferent jejunal loop are cited. Possible locations and CT appearances of the tumor recurrences are presented. An overview of the literature is provided.
National Library of Serbia