1. Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy (University of Latvia) / National Science Platform Fotonika-LV
This article describes designer's experience with radiofrequency (RF) high
reactive power capacitors problems, which in many cases may be a critical
element for various devices - like ICP plasma torches; SMPS converters;
induction heaters; radio transmitters etc. New materials at the markets
allow to solve the problem that at small capacitance - high voltage - high
amperage combination, capacitors have to withstand circulating reactive
power load from kVAR to MVAR range, hence the value of loss factor tan(?) of
the selected insulator material has a critical role, to minimize
overheating. Few designer strategies are disputed, and convincing
experimental data on selected new industrial materials are presented.
National Library of Serbia
Reference18 articles.
1. R. A. Ganeev, High-Order Harmonic Generation in Laser Plasma Plumes. Imperial College Press, London, 2012.
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3. Passive Plus Inc. High Q/Low ESR Ceramic & broadband capacitors, Canada, 2023.
4. J-H. Hwang, J. Andresakis, E. Feinberg, B. Carter, Y. Kageyama, F. Kuwako, "RF Capacitor Material for Use in Printed Circuit Board", In Proceedings of the IPC APEX EXPO Conference, 2013, pp. 1-4.
5. R. J. Sanville, Patent US20010014004A1: Parallel plate buried capacitor, 1999. Available at