1. University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of English Studies
This paper deals with forms like CeSID, RTS and GSP in Serbian, one type of
words made by shortening. In spite of the fact that in domestic theory and
practice they are traditionally called and considered abbreviations, most of
these forms in practice behave as if they were words. Starting from this
pragmatic point and main hypothesis that what is involved here are hybrid
lexical units, part abbreviations, part words, which therefore should
receive a different theoretical and methodological treatment and
terminological designation - acronyms, the aim of the present article is to
corroborate this basic premise by offering linguistically informed
explication and authentic exemplification, from four interconnected angles:
(1) twelve questions with answers concerning the status of these forms in
the light of their actual behaviour in everyday writing and speech, (2)
form- and content-related properties which make these forms abbreviations in
one way, words in the other, and which precise properties determine them as
acronyms, (3) a pragmatic-functional typology of acronyms, and (4)
theoretical, methodological and practical implications of the proposed
interpretation of the nature of acronyms.
National Library of Serbia
General Health Professions
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