1. Military Medical Academy, Psychiatric Clinic, Belgrade
Background/Aim. The complex multifactorial etiology of suicide suggests the
need to consider gender differences when developing effective strategies for
suicide prevention. The aim of this study was to examine the suicide rates
and/or trends obtained for population as a whole, including gender
differences in cases of committed suicide and to consider factors (age
groups, education, employment, marital status, nationality and methods)
associated with it in Serbia within the period 2006-2010. Methods. Data were
obtained from the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia. Their
classification related to the suicide method was carried out on the basis of
ICD-X Code, WHO 1992 (International Statistical Classification of Diseases
and Related Health Problems 10th revision, World Health Organization).
Statistical analysis was done by using the crude specific suicide rate.
Results. Within the period 2006-2010 the total number of suicides in Serbia
was 6,673, of which 71.9% were males and 28.1% females (male to female
suicide ratio 2.56 : 1). Their average rate was 18.15 per 100,000 persons,
namely, 26.85 per 100,000 for males and 9.92 per 100,000 for females. Suicide
was most often committed by married males and females with high school
education, retired, by the Serbs. The suicide rate in Serbia increased
paralelly with the age of suicide committers and it was the highest in
subjects of both genders aged over 75 years. The most common suicide method
in males (62.78%) and in females (58.38%) was hanging and strangling. The
second most common method in males was by firearm (18.65%) and in females
poisoning (19.26%). Conclusions. Suicide prevention Programme should be
primarily oriented toward the male population because it is more exposed to
stress in the period of social transition, but males are still less ready to
ask for doctor's help when having some problems with mental health.
National Library of Serbia
Pharmacology (medical),General Medicine
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15 articles.