1. Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazak, Turkish University, Kazakhstan
Hybrid numbers are a new non-commutative number system which is a
generalization of the complex (i2 = ?1), dual (?2 = 0), and hyperbolic
numbers (h2 = 1). In this article, firstly we define a new quaternion system
called hybrid quaternions by taking the coefficients of real quaternions as
hybrid numbers. This new quaternion system is a combination of complex
quaternions (biquaternions), hyperbolic (perplex) quaternions, and dual
quaternions, and it can be viewed as a generalization of these quaternion
systems. Then, we present the basic properties of hybrid quaternions
including fundamental operations, conjugates, inner product, vector product,
and norm. Finally, we give a schematic representation of numbers and
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