Introduction. Hemophagocytic syndrome (HS) after Bacillus Calmette-Guerin
(BCG) immunotherapy is extremely rare in everyday practice. Only three times
HS have been reported on in the world until now. BCG is used for preventing
the recurrence of superficial tumors of the urinary bladder. The first
extensive research was conducted by Morales, since when his treatment
protocol has been in use. Severe complications are rarely seen. Case report.
A 55 year-old patient in bad condition was transferred to Clinic for urology
after second round of BCG immunotherapy (Morales protocol) after
transurethral electroresection of bladder tumor (TURBT). Computed tomography
(CT) of the abdomen and lesser pelvis was performed, which didn?t indicate
any clear signs of organ failure or disease. Hemophagocytic syndrome (HS)
after BCG immunotherapy was suspected. During further hospitalization, the
patien?s already severe condition further deteorited and became more
complicated, in the form of the multiorgan disfunction syndrome (MODS).
Death occurred on the sixth day of hospitalization. Conclusion. Secondary HS
after BCG immunotherapy is an extremely rare disease that is accompanied by
a severe general condition of the patient, with many life-threatening
complications that can lead to death. We have presented a case of severe HS
after BCG immunotherapy that caused death of the patient. This case was
unique because, for the first time, the possible causative agent was
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