1. Institut za zdravstvenu zaštitu dece i omladine Vojvodine, Novi Sad
The aim of the study was to determine recurrent headache (migraine and
non-migraine) heritability, among the twin pairs. Headache hritability was
investigated among 396 twin pairs (42.4% monozygotic and 57.6% dizygotic)
aged 3 to 21 years, on north part territory of Serbia-Vojvodina, during the
20 years period. Within the group of tested twin persons, 30.2% had recurrent
headaches, 9.2% migraine headache and 21% other recurrent non-migraine
headaches. Heritability quotient of all recurrent headaches was 0.3882. For
non- migraine headaches heritability quotient of 0.2286 confirmed that the
external factors influence is higher than heritability. Migraine headache
heritability quotient 0.8598 clearly proved the heritability of the migraine
headache. Both, correlation and determination quotient of the migraine
headache of all the twins (r12 0.7498; r21256.12%), monozygotic (r120.8458;
r1271.54%) and dizygotic (r120.6342; r21240.22%), show high degree of
migraine headache twin siblings dependence, and higher correlation and
significance of the difference with monozygotic twins.
National Library of Serbia
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2 articles.