1. Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade
2. The Scientific Research Center, Užice
This paper presents the synthesis of nano-composite Cu-Al2O3 powder by a thermochemical method and sintering, with a comparative analysis of the mechanical and electrical properties of the obtained solid samples. Nano-crystalline Cu-Al2O3 powders were produced by a thermochemical method through the following stages: spray-drying, oxidation of the precursor powder, reduction by hydrogen and homogenization. Characterization of powders included analytical electron microscopy (AEM) coupled with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), differential thermal and thermogravimetric (DTA-TGA) analysis and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. The size of the produced powders was 20-50 nm, with a noticeable presence of agglomerates. The composite powders were characterized by a homogenous distribution of Al2O3 in a copper matrix. The powders were cold pressed at a pressure of 500 MPa and sintered in a hydrogen atmosphere under isothermal conditions in the temperature range from 800 to 900 ?C for up to 120 min. Characterization of the Cu-Al2O3 sintered system included determination of the density, relative volume change, electrical and mechanical properties, examination of the microstructure by SEM and focused ion beam (FIB) analysis, as well as by EDS. The obtained nano-composite, the structure of which was, with certain changes, preserved in the final structure, provided a sintered material with a homogeneous distribution of dispersoid in a copper matrix, with exceptional effects of reinforcement and an excellent combination of mechanical and electrical properties.
National Library of Serbia
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21 articles.