1. Klinika za ORL i maksilofacijalnu hirurgiju KCS, Beograd
2. Institut za medicinu rada i radiološku zaštitu 'Dr Dragomir Karajović', Beograd
3. Institut za majku i dete 'Dr Vukan Čupić', Beograd
4. Klinika za fizikalnu medicinu KCS
Early stage glottic cancer can be successfully treated with open surgery, LASER surgery or radiotherapy. During this treatment the physician obviously has to bear in mind principles of oncological radicality, but also, none the less, the preservation of all the functions of the larynx, and especially the preservation of voice quality. The aim of the study is to compare, in a specifically designed prospective study, the method of treatment with the functional results of basic characteristics of spoken voice of patients with early stage cancer of the glottis region. Then, based on the analysis of the results, to try and determine the most successful method of treatment. The first study group consisted of 72 patients operated using transoral laser microsurgery; the second study group consisted of 75 patients operated using open surgery; and the third study group consisted of 74 patients treated with radiotherapy. The voice quality is much better after laser chordectomy compared to open surgery chordectomy with reconstruction. Furthermore, the functional results of voice quality, after a laser chordectomy, are worse when compared to the group of patients treated with radiotherapy. Taking into account all objective and subjective phoniatric parameters, we determined that there is no crucial difference in the voice quality of patients operated using laser chordectomy and patients primarily treated with radiotherapy. From a functional point of view these two methods are superior to open surgery chordectomy.
National Library of Serbia
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