1. Filozofski fakultet, Novi Sad
The main task of this paper consists in the analysis of neoliberal
deregulation as biopolitical paradigm of contemporary capitalist society. The
paper starts from the premise that the political strategy of deregulation
clearly can be unmasked as a change of direction and the domain of government
intervention or as some kind of re-regulation which implies a shift from
state interventionism towards management that enables market. The neoliberal
premise of deregulation does not imply a lack of government intervention in
general, but rather a lack of government intervention in the economy while
providing the same (market) economy to prosper. However, this is not (just)
the result of actually existing neoliberalism, which would in practice of its
implementation significantly departed from what could be called a postulates
of neoliberal theory.Following the arguments of Michel Foucault, it becomes
clear that neoliberalism is already in its theoretical and conceptual core a
new technology of government, given that significantly departs from the
political principles of the release of the market to operate as a
self-regulatory mechanism, or the liberal premise of laissez-faire. This
shift does not imply a change just in the economy of liberalism as much as in
the liberalism as art of governing or governmentality doctrine. At the same
time, the paper stresses that, despite the erosion of national sovereignty,
biopolitical organization of power over life in the era of neoliberalism is
not disappeared, but has taken on a new global and hegemonic form. It is not
more biopolitics of single population, which has a clearly delimited border.
It is now the overall organization of power over life, one that govern
?without government?, because it is handled by human aspirations, wishes,
happiness, fears, etc., internalizing as a global common sense,
unquestionable modus vivendi and the global regime of truth.
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