1. Department of Mathematics, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Republic of Korea
2. Faculty of Electronics Engineering, University of Niš,Niš, Serbia
LetG = (V,E) be a simple connected graph of order n (?2) and size m, where
V(G) = {1, 2,..., n}. Also let ? = d1 ? d2 ?... ? dn = ? > 0, di =
d(i), be a sequence of its vertex degrees with maximum degree ? and minimum
degree ?. The symmetric division deg index, SDD, was defined in [D.
Vukicevic, Bond additive modeling 2. Mathematical properties of max-min
rodeg index, Croat. Chem. Acta 83 (2010) 261- 273] as SDD = SDD(G) = ?i~j
d2i+d2j/didj, where i~j means that vertices i and j are adjacent. In
this paper we give some new bounds for this topological index. Moreover, we
present a relation between topological indices of graph.
National Library of Serbia
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