1. Institut za mentalno zdravlje, Beograd + Medicinski fakultet, Beograd
2. Institut za mentalno zdravlje, Beograd
Introduction. Adjustment disorders represent a frequent diagnostic entity
especially among adolescents. They involve a wide spectrum of various
emotional and behaviour problems. Objective. The aim was to investigate
characteristics of diagnostic category known as adjustment disorders among
hospital treated adolescents for the first time at the Clinical Department
for Children and Adolescents of the Institute of Mental Health in Belgrade,
during five consecutive years, as well as to investigate the outcome of the
disorder in follow-up period. Methods. We conducted a retrospective
investigation of the first time hospital treated adolescents from Belgrade
with discharge diagnosis of adjustment disorders during 2000-2004. The follow
up was conducted 5-10 years after a first discharge from the hospital.
Results. During the investigated period 75 adolescents from Belgrade were
hospitalized for the first time with diagnosis adjustment disorder. From the
studied patients the main sample was formed that included 24 (32%) males and
51 (68%) females. After 5-10 years a follow-up of 52 patients was conducted
(sample at follow-up) which included 16 (30.77%) males and 36 (69.23%)
females. Of the main sample, 70% of the patients were under follow-up. After
the first hospitalization 58% of adolescents continued with further
psychiatric treatment, either as rehospitalized or out-of-hospital patients.
Conclusion. Our findings showed that 38% of adolescents under follow-up for
5-10 years after the first discharge from hospital with the diagnosis
adjustment disorders had multiple hospitalizations. The outcome of the
disorder among these patients was the worst, because three-quarters of the
patients were rediagnosed in the follow-up period with a new psychiatric
disorder, often from psychotic spectrum.
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