1. Univerzitetska dečja klinika, Beograd
Introduction. Urogenital congenital anomalies are among the most common
congenital anomalies and very frequent pathology in paediatric urology.
Health care systems strive to shorten the duration and reduce the costs of
hospitalization, while maintaining treatment effectiveness. Objective. To
evaluate the duration of hospital stay of surgically treated patients with
congenital urogenital anomalies and estimate the possibility of using fast
track surgery principles in paediatric urology in the local settings of a
developing country. Methods. Retrospective non-randomized study included 552
patients who had been surgically treated at the Urology Department of the
University Children?s Hospital, during 2010. In line with their congenital
anomalies, all patients were classified in one of four groups: I - upper
urinary tract anomalies (252 patients); II - genital anomalies (164
patients); III - testicular anomalies (76 patients) and IV - associated
anomalies (60 patients). We analyzed the total duration of stay as well as
preand post-operative stay in the hospital. Results. The average duration of
hospitalization was 4.7?4.0 days. Patients with testicular anomalies stayed
for the shortest period (2.3?1.9 days) (p<0.01) and patients with associated
anomalies stayed in the hospital the longest (6.5?4.7 days) (p<0.01).
Conclusion. Modern methods of surgical treatment allow reduction of
hospitalization, financial savings to the healthcare system and greater
comfort for patients. Our results showed that this is also possible to apply
in our environment.
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