Set of bronze jewellery from the site of Velika Humska Cuka near Nis, SE Serbia: A contribution to the study of interactions between Bronze Age communities of Central Europe and the Central Balkans


Bulatovic Aleksandar1ORCID,Kapuran Aleksandar1,Mladenovic Ognjen1ORCID,Milojevic Petar1ORCID,Gajic-Kvascev Maja2ORCID


1. Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade

2. Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia, Department of Chemical Dynamics and Permanent Education, Belgrade


The paper presents an extraordinary new find from the site of Velika Humska Cuka near Nis, in south-eastern Serbia. During the 2022 excavation campaign, a set of bronze jewellery was discovered, comprised of a pin, a band, ten saltaleoni, and ten circular pendants. Of particular importance are the finds of circular pendants, which are known throughout the Bronze Age in the territory of Europe. Such pendants are traditionally connected with Central Europe and the H?gelgr?ber culture, therefore representing an uncommon find for the Central Balkans. The paper provides a stylistic and typological analysis of jewellery, complemented with physical and chemical analyses, and further discusses the scope and effects of interactions between Central Europe and Central Balkans during the Bronze Age.


National Library of Serbia

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